ChatGPT interactive activity (CIA)
Conceptual Inquiry and Analysis
Collaborate with your team to create a comprehensive quiz that challenges your understanding and helps you learn more effectively.
cia 1 & Cia 2:
develop your
CIA concept
- Work in Teams: Up to 4 students can collaborate to create a set of 40 questions, preferably in C++.
- Use ChatGPT: Generate 10 Multiple-Choice, 10 True/False, 10 Word Answer, and 10 Fill-in-the-Blank/Short Answer questions.
- Create Algorithmic Questions: Focus on coding problems and solutions that incentivize critical thinking.
- Evaluate Quality: Add a 41st question to evaluate the quality of the quiz with a 1-10 scale, with 10 as excellent. Select one option only.
- Save Your Work: Name your files using the format of Group#_CIA1.txt for the questions, Group#_CIA1_V for the video, and for the quiz. One student can record an explanation of answers.
After uploading, all the students can try the quiz and evaluate it based on question 41. The grade of the CIA assignment will be the ranking x 10. One submission per team, submitting all files.